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Join the CHRODIS PLUS Budapest Conference 2019


[/vc_column_text][vc_single_image image=”9103″ img_size=”full”][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1549536590390{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}”]Conference dates:

TUESDAY 14TH MAY 14.00 – 19.30 AND
WEDNESDAY 15TH MAY 9.00-13.00

Agenda – CHRODIS PLUS Budapest Conference

The 14-15 May 2019 CHRODIS PLUS Conference is an open event for all experts and health professionals interested in the CHRODIS PLUS project. Participation at this event is free of charge.

The conference provides the balance of  practical presentations followed by the discussions. Interaction and practicality is the key intention behind the sessions.

To reserve the interactive nature of the conference, the maximum number of participants is limited to 160 persons.

Conference opening by: Wojciech Kalamarz, the Head of Unit for Health Determinants and International Relations, European Commission

The key topics covered during the conference:

  1. Added value of CHRODIS PLUS, a unique cross-country public health collaboration in Europe
  2. Implementation of best practices/tools/policies on health promotion and disease prevention in EU countries
  3. Common strategic framework for the implementation of best practices
  4. Transferability and sustainability of practices/tools/policies
  5. Patient views
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Conference location: Hotel Benczur, Benczur street. 35, Budapest 1068-Hungary (Hotel website)[/vc_column_text][vc_separator][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1549465204649{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}”]

Pre-conference events

This page is also to register for the pre-Conference events:

  • Work Package Workshops on 13 May – Agenda
    • 10:00-13:00: WP5 workshop
    • 14:00-17:30: WP6, WP7 and WP8 workshops running in parallel
  • General Assembly in the morning of 14 May 9.00-14.00 – Agenda

These pre-conference events are organised for the partner organisations of CHRODIS PLUS including implementing organisations and associated partners.

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The Conference Hotel Benczur is already fully booked so please book your room in one of the nearby hotels, for example Mamaison Hotel Andrassy or Mirage Medic Hotel.

As May is a high season for conferences and tourism in Budapest, we recommend you to do your hotel booking at your earliest convenience.

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Please click here to access some useful travel information.

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Come and share your experiences at this unique European Conference on chronic diseases

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Click on the video to know more about Budapest

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Conference location

Hotel Benczur, Benczur street. 35, Budapest 1068-Hungary


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