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Chrodis Plus Governing Board Newsletter

August, 2020

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On behalf of the GB secretariat and all CHRODIS PLUS team, we would like to thank you for finding time to connect in all events organized previously. CHRODIS PLUS consortium is now on the final step and before the very end of this journey, we would like to share a clear and concise document, which includes the recent updates on CHRODIS PLUS activities that GB members will need to familiarise themselves with. You are also encouraged to inform the local authorities on JA activities and progress by sharing the CHRODIS PLUS newsletter from the following URL: https://chrodis.eu/news/newsletter/

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CHRODIS PLUS has implemented 21 pilot projects aimed at testing tools and good practices for certain chronic diseases and has held 16 policy dialogues (14 national and 2 EU-level ones). It has brought together over 50 partners from 21 European countries. Final pilot results  were been reported. Final work package deliverables are being reviewed and CHRODIS PLUS partners disseminating research findings through the publications in high impact factor Science journals.

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The questions naturally arise as:

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  • Do we have a solution to support member states in overcoming the burden of chronic diseases?
  • What hinders/helps the transfer of the good practice? How can these learnings be better structurally incorporated in the ‘receiving’ country?
  • How different pilots have been conceived and rolled out?
  • How the good practices, models, and tools implemented by the project be tailored to various national and local settings across Europe?
  • Are there any science-based recommendations for future actions/next steps?
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If at least one of the answers would interest you please join the upcoming online events of CHRODIS PLUS and register via this link: https://forms.gle/SmUqYk5UFXF23B1M7

Your input is crucial to continue walking the path we  all started in CHRODIS PLUS and to step beyond the project. The presentations and discussions will be structured around the project’s key focus areas:

Health promotion & primary prevention | Integrated multimorbidity care model | Fostering quality of care for people with chronic conditions | Employment & chronic diseases | Policy dialogues | Consensus statement

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events schedule

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  • 2020.09.02, 03:00-04:00 PM | 1st webinar on CH+ core WP outcomes for GB members
  • 2020.09.04, 03:00-03:45 PM | 1st Follow up online discussion with GB members
  • 2020.09.09, 02:00-03:00 PM | 2nd webinar on CH+ core WP outcomes for GB members
  • 2020.09.11, 02:00-02:45 PM | 2nd Follow up online discussion with GB members
  • 2020.09.28, 02:00-04:30 PM | FINAL GB online meeting
  • 2020.10.27, 09:00 AM – 05:00 PM | Closing CHRODIS PLUS Online Conference on Chronic Diseases, illustrating the impact that CHRODIS PLUS has had on public health systems across EU member states over the past 3 years.
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your input is needed

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After your valuable inputs and several revisions the Consensus statement is almost finished. WP4 team aims to consult with GB members about their commitment on sustaining the Joint Action Chrodis Plus results beyond 2020. They are aimed at further developing the knowledge and EU cooperation on chronic diseases and conditions and will enrich the EU’s capacity to face the NCD challenges and understand the drivers and mechanisms leading to sustainable health systems. With all this information, in September WP4 will finalize the Consensus statement, including a layman version translated in a series of CHRODIS-PLUS languages. Please find the link to an online questionnaire where you can express your interest and desirable degree of involvement in the initiatives that will be proposed in the Consensus Statement for the post-2020 period:


You may be contacted and asked for inputs individually by WP4 task leaders from Ministry of Health of Italy ([email protected] or [email protected]).

Thank you for your support!

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Until then,

Your faithful Governing Board Secretariat

For more information visit https://chrodis.eu/about-us/governing-board/

Questions? Talk to us! [email protected]; [email protected]

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