In News

On September 18th – 20th 2017 Vilnius University Hospital hosted a Kick off meeting of the Joint Action Chrodis+. Numerous high-profile speakers opened the event. European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety Vytenis Andriukaitis along with Lithuanian Minister of Health, Aurelijus Veryga, the Director of non-communicable diseases of WHO Europe, Gauden Galea and former Minister of State for Health, Miklos Szocska, addressed to 45 partner organizations from 21 European countries.

The event was a success with  rich media coverage on national and European level. Electronic news was disseminated in the leading source of policy news on Europan level, Politico Pro, reaching wide range of audinece throughout the Europe.

Furthermore the news on the Kick off was disseminated in European Patients Forum Newsletter underlining the specific workstreams to be undertaken in the next 36 months.

Learn more about Lithuanian National media coverage in the links below:

1/ Interview with Dr. Elena Jureviciene on the Lithuanian National Radio

2/ Article about chronic diseases and Chrodis+ actions on Lithuanian news portal Article 1

3/ Article about chronic diseases and Chrodis+ actions on Lithuanian news portal Article 2

4/ Article about chronic diseases and Chrodis+ actions on Lithuanian news portal Article 3

5/ Article about chronic diseases and Chrodis+ actions on Lithuanian news portal Article 4

6/ Interview with Dr. Elena Jureviciene on Lithuanian National TV

7/ Short news about Chronic diseases in Lithuanian newspaper

Complete Lithuanian Kick off meeting media coverage is available here.



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