In News

The Lancet has just released its second series on physical activity. The publication of this series was designed to coincide with the 2016 Summer Olympics. The Lancet’s first series on physical activity (2012) identified physical inactivity as a significant risk factor for chronic diseases. This new series builds upon the work of the first one, presenting current intervention strategies and policy actions from around the world. The papers explore the joint health impacts of physical activity and sedentary behaviour, revealing that one hour of daily physical activity can offset 8 hours of sitting. The papers also include the first global estimate of the economic burden of physical inactivity — a startling $67.5 billion per year.

The series urges policy makers to consistently consider physical activity and to ensure sufficient capacity and funding to implement national policies. The WHO has set a target of a 10% reduction in physical inactivity by 2025. The authors of this series assert that in order for this goal to be reached, physical activity must be incorporated into people’s daily lives worldwide.

To access The Lancet series on physical activity, please click here.

JA-CHRODIS has published a report on 41 good practices in the area of health promotion, including physical activity. Find them here.

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