The partners of the JA-CHRODIS work package on Type 2 Diabetes held their 5th meeting on 5th February 2016 in Madrid, Spain. The objective of this meeting was to present an update of the work package activities, to discuss and agree on the activities to be conducted until the end of the JA-CHRODIS, to improve the collaboration among all the partners towards achieving the objectives of the WP 7. Documents Synthesis Report Agenda Participants List Presentations Update on WP 7 Activities (Marina Maggini & Jelka…
Find out more »4th Meeting of work package 7 October 20 – 21, 2015 @ 9:00 – 16:00 • Ljubljana, Slovenia National Institute of Public Health of the Republic of Slovenia as a co-leader of the work package 7 of the JA-CHRODIS organised the 4th meeting of the work package 7, Diabetes: A Case Study on Strengthening Health Care for People with Chronic Diseases. The objectives of this meeting were to make an update on activities of the WP7 and to present, discuss, and get…
Find out more »Work package 7 (Type 2 Diabetes) held their third partners’ meeting in Rome on the 2nd-3rd July 2015. The objective of this 3rd meeting was to present an update of the work package activities, to exchange and receive the contribution from the participants, to improve the collaboration among all the partners towards achieving the objectives of the WP7. Meeting Agenda List of Participants 3rd WP7 Meeting Report Meeting Presentations Consensus Process - M. Maggini EIP-AHA B3 Maturity Model - T. Vontetsianos…
Find out more »On the 6th and 7th November 2014, WORK PACKAGE 6 (MULTIMORBIDITY) and WORK PACKAGE 7 (TYPE 2 DIABETES) met in Vilnius, Lithuania. This meeting was used to present on progress made so far and upcoming work as well as explore possible synergies between the work packages and the partners involved. Visit THIS WEBSITE for all relevant information. For more information, please contact GRAZIANO ONDER and ROKAS NAVICKAS (WP6 leader and co-leader) and MARINA MAGGINI and JELKA ZALETEL (WP7 leader and co-leader). Downloads FINAL REPORT…
Find out more »The first WP7 meeting was held in Rome, Italy, on 9 July 2014. The contribution of the partners was crucial in making the meeting an excellent opportunity to promote exchanges, discussion, sharing of resources and experiences. The purpose of the meeting was to present an update of the work package activities, listen to the partners’ presentations, and create a melting pot of experiences for a better coordination of work. In particular, the draft of the questionnaire relative to tasks 1-…
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