In News

On occasion of the WHO World No Tobacco Day, the European Institute of Women’s Health – JA-CHRODIS associated partner – celebrates calls on the EU Members States to get ready for plain packaging.

Globally, the European Region has the highest rate of smoking and highest proportion of tobacco-related deaths of all of the WHO regions, accounting for 16% of death in people over the age of 30. The tobacco industry has long targeted young people in the promotion of their products. Women were first targeted as a potential market in the United States in the 1920s, and over time, aggressive marketing strategies have been increasingly aimed at young girls and women worldwide.

Standardised packaging includes the restriction or prohibition the use of brand imagery, colours, logos and promotional information beyond names on tobacco products as well as standardised colour and font style. The restrictions reduce the attractiveness of tobacco products, stop promotional product packaging, prohibit misleading labelling and increase the effectiveness of health warnings.

Read the full press release here.

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