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Background and Outcomes

[/mk_fancy_title][vc_column_text disable_pattern=”false” align=”left” margin_bottom=”0″]This work package (WP4) has developed and currently manages The CHRODIS Platform where decision-makers, caregivers, patients, and researchers across the EU can find and share the best knowledge on chronic diseases. The platform includes:

  1. clearinghouse of excellent chronic disease practices and policies across Europe, selected on the basis of criteria agreed by experts across the EU;
  2. An online tool to allow users to evaluate practices, interventions and policies using assessment criteria established by JA-CHRODIS;
  3. A digital library, which includes other relevant content (documents, video and audio material, websites, etc.) focused on chronicity.
  4. An online helpdesk with expert consultants to advise users on the development, implementation and evaluation of chronic disease practices.
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