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02 – Communication Work Package

This WP facilitated sustainable internal and external communication within the Joint Action. It ensured that the Joint Action’s activities, results and recommendations were communicated to all stakeholders and European audiences at the EU and national level.

The website you are currently visiting is the main information tool regarding the project’s activities. Here you can find all of the necessary information about our work and results, as well as news, newsletters, and past events. This website was frequently updated so that anyone interested in the fight against chronic diseases could remain informed about the latest news and outcomes as the project unfolded.

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The Personal Mission of the Work Package leaders:

“We believe that CHRODIS PLUS is a project that offers tested public health models of outstanding value to health organisations across Europe and beyond. As the leaders of the communications function of this project, we are excited to contribute to and learn from this multinational knowledge transfer. We also feel privileged to be part of the network of  ‘chrodisians’, the talented and dedicated health professionals working for the project”.

Work Package Leaders:

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Semmelweis University Budapest, Hungary
Contact: Zoltan Aszalos at [email protected]

Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic, Slovakia
Contact: Zuzana Matloňova at [email protected][/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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