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The country reports activity was led by EuroHealthNet

In these country reviews, 14 partners in JA-CHRODIS WP 5 outline the health promotion and primary prevention landscape in their country. They also describe how they identify and promote good practice, as well as relevant forecasting and cost-effectiveness studies in this area. Finally, the country reviews identify gaps and needs in relation to health promotion and the prevention of chronic disease.

Based on 14 country reports, JA-CHRODIS has written an overview report which finds significant differences in systems and structures across partner countries, some of these differences include evaluation, monitoring, research and capacity and capacity development. The overview shows that there is a strong need for consistent investment in health promotion and primary prevention in order to reduce the burden of chronic diseases and make health systems more sustainable. [/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1519404052140{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}”]

Country Reports and Overview

The country reports were produced by partners in work package 5 to provide an overview of existing work in relation to good practices for chronic diseases and healthy ageing.


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