In News

We are always glad when  our work is presented at other platforms outside of Joint Action events. Our work package (WP) leaders have shared with us where they have communicated information about our work and our vision and we are happy to share it with you.


Antonio Sarria-Santamera as a CHRODIS+ Coordinator, has been in different important events presenting the advancements of the Project, with a special focus on the Implementation Strategy and WP5, WP6 and WP7:

• 24th September 2018 Feel4Diabetes Project Conference. Brussels (Belgium).

• 8th – 9th October 2018, International Conference – Active and Healthy Aging in the Life Path: Approaches and Interventions. Portuguese General Direction of Health (DGS) Portuguese and International Center for Aging (CENIE). Covilhã (Portugal).

• 11th-12th October 2018: Vaccination and the At-risk Population of Adults with Heart and Lung Conditions, International Federation of Aging. Stockholm (Sweden).

Coordinator was also invited to 2 conferences with a specific focus on multi-morbidity (WP6):

• 21st May 2018: Multimorbidity research at the cross-roads. International symposium. Stockholm (Sweden).

• 25th October 2018: REDISSEC Conference on “Strategies for the Chronicity Management”. Madrid (Spain). On the other hand, Patricia González y Lorena Pinilla, from the Coordination Team, exposed the CHRODIS+ project in the II International Congress and IV National Nursing and Health: “A New World of Care” the 18th-21st October 2018 in Santander (Spain).


• Presentation at the XXXVI Annual Scientific Meeting of the SEE (Spanish Society of Epidemiology) and the VIII Congress of the Portuguese Association of Epidemiology on the 13/09/2018 in Lisbon. Title of the oral communication: CHRODIS PLUS (2017-2020): Sustainable approach to chronicity: political dialogues and implementation pilots.

• Presentation in the workshop “How to conduct rigourous implementation research projects”, at AQuAS, Barcelona, with the presence of Laura J. Damschroeder, research investigator for Clinical Management Research (CCMR), at the university of Michigan (USA). The workshop was part of the REDISECC (Network for Research into Healthcare in Chronic Diseases) annual activities. Title of the oral communication (29/10/2018): “Exchange and transfer of good practices in chronicity across Europe: monitoring the implementation and evaluating the impact.”


• JA CHRODIS+ and WP7 in the portal of epidemiolgy of the Italian National Institute of Health


• Presentation of WP8 at university courses


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