In News

The CHRODIS PLUS Joint Action of the European Union (2017-2020), has brought together over 50 project partner institutions, representing 21 European countries, to collaborate on and implement 21 pilot projects, to test public health models and tools, and to organise 15 national and 2 EU level policy dialogues. The aim is to generate practical and policy level lessons to support Member States in tackling the burden of chronic diseases. During its 36 months of operation, this project will contribute to the reduction of this burden by promoting the implementation of policies and practices that have been successfully demonstrated. The further refinement and cross-border sharing of these tested policies and good practices across EU countries is the core idea behind this action.

The CHRODIS PLUS Budapest Conference on 14-15 May is one of the key events in this project where over 180 chronic disease experts arriving from 26 countries will participate to discuss and provide feedback on the real-life experiences project partners have gained during the initiative’s first 20 months. This conference intends to demonstrate the impact that CHRODIS PLUS has on public health systems across EU Member States with a special emphasis on proving that the good practices, models and tools that the project implements can be tailored to various national and local settings across Europe. The conference’s presentations and roundtable discussions are structured around the project’s key focus areas: Health Promotion & Primary Prevention, an Integrated Multimorbidity Care Model, Fostering Quality Care for People with Chronic Diseases, ICT-based Patient Empowerment, and Employment & Chronic Diseases.

Information on agenda is available on our website:


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