Towards better prevention and management of diabetes – The Joint Action CHRODIS
The launch, in 2014, of the European Joint Action on Chronic Diseases and Promoting Healthy Ageing across the Life Cycle (JA-CHRODIS) is a response to the European Commission’s encouragement to join forces towards prevention and care of major chronic diseases. Diabetes was selected as a case study to strengthen health care for people with chronic diseases. The main objective is to use available knowledge to improve coordination and cooperation among countries to act on diabetes through exchange of good practices.
A mapping of national diabetes plans in Europe was undertaken as part of JA-CHRODIS, and formed the basis for a policy brief aimed at the identification of factors that can facilitate development, implementation, and sustainability of national diabetes plans. European countries made progress, even if with different approaches, in their systematic policy response to diabetes burden. The lessons learnt from these experiences may support countries’ efforts to build a successful and comprehensive strategy for the prevention and care of diabetes and, more broadly, chronic diseases.