
The Prevention and Health Promotion Strategy of the Spanish NHS: Framework for Addressing Chronic Disease in the Spanish NHS – Spain


The Prevention and Health Promotion Strategy of the Spanish NHS: ‘Framework for Addressing Chronic Disease in the Spanish NHS’ – Spain The Prevention and Health Promotion Strategy of the Spanish NHS proposes the progressive development of interventions aimed at improving health and preventing diseases, injuries and disability. It is an initiative developed within the framework of the Plan for the Implementation of the Strategy for Addressing Chronic Disease across the Spanish National Health System (NHS). The Strategy has a life-cycle approach, starting on from pregnancy. In the first stage 82014-2020), two populations have been prioritised for action: children (younger than 15, including fetal development) and those aged 50 years and older. General objective:

Promoting the populations’ health and wellbeing by fostering healthy environments and lifestyles and strengthening safety in order to prevent injuries; increasing life expectancy in good health by two years, for those born in Spain has been set out as a quantifiable global objective for 2020.
The factors addressed in this Strategy are the most important in tackling chronic diseases: healthy eating, physical activity, tobacco consumption and risk of alcohol consumption, in addition to emotional wellbeing and a safe environment for preventing non-intentional injuries.

Between healthcare and family-community fields. The interventions are: comprehensive counselling about life styles in Primary Healthcare, linked to community resources in child population; comprehensive counselling about life styles during pregnancy and breast-feeding; the positive parenthood programme, for promoting emotional wellbeing among the child population; comprehensive counselling about life styles in Primary Healthcare linked to community resources in the over-50 age group of the population; the frailty screening and multi-factor attention for the elderly, which will lead to plans of preventive intervention and individualised monitoring in line with the action plans by the European Innovation Partnership for Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP-AHA). The main lines of actions in place: the operational development of comprehensive interventions; the design of professional training; the training of the population through the design of a web platform related to healthy life styles; the creation of partnerships, which includes a Plan for local development for which bilateral work has already been put in place.

One of the key elements of this Plan will be the creation of on-line maps bringing
together community resources for prevention and health promotion at a local level. In relation to the joint work in the education environment, the aim is to universally reinforce interventions in a harmonised way in two specific fields: physical activity and healthy eating, and emotional health and wellbeing. It also includes joint work with the sports sectors in two lines of action: the operational development of training programmes for physical activity for health, aimed at healthcare, education and community professionals; and support for all those interventions in the strategy using physical activity as an instrument to improve health. Every two years an assessment and monitoring report, which raises an analysis and improvement measures will be made. Also an overall evaluation of the Strategy will be made at the end of the first phase 2014-2020.


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(last accessed in March 2017)

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Life Cycle Stages: Early Childhood | Older People (>65 yrs) | Pregnancy | School Age | Seniors (>75 yrs) | The Young Old (50-65 yrs) | Whole life cycle | Work Life | 
Main Settings: healthcare services | 
Specific Topics: fall prevention | mental health | nutrition | physical activity | substance abuse | 

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